#JWST at it again!
This is Lynds 483 -- two protostars putting on a show!
.. also in re: #InternationalWomensDay -- Lynds refers to Beverly T. Lynds (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverly_Turner_Lynds)
#JWST at it again!
This is Lynds 483 -- two protostars putting on a show!
.. also in re: #InternationalWomensDay -- Lynds refers to Beverly T. Lynds (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverly_Turner_Lynds)
On #InternationalWomensDay (and all other days) -- let's celebrate the amazing #women #astronomers who often get left out of history books & pushed to the margins
Learn more (and feel free to comment with others!):
: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/asterism-annie-jump-cannon-spectral-types/
: https://daily.jstor.org/eight-women-astronomers-you-should-know/
: https://www.space.com/trailblazing-women-in-astronomy-astrophysics
: https://astrosociety.org/education-outreach/resource-guides/women-in-astronomy-an-introductory-resource-guide.html
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Mink
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Oppenheimer
Looking for some #astronomy or #mythology or #zoology or #comedy / #chaos content created by women on #InternationalWomensDay??
Check out our pod here or wherever you listen to podcasts : https://starrytimepodcast.com/episodes
If you're looking for: astronomy --> Cosmic Background
myths --> Myths & Retcons(tellations)
animal fun facts --> Creature Corner
Chaos/comedy/ "Pop Culture" --> Pop Culture Superstar
Happy #InternationalWomensDay!
Today, we celebrate the contributions of women & people across the gender spectrum in science! At EGU, we recognise the work of all these people as researchers, educators, volunteers, leaders & more!
Image by Victoria Milanez Fernandes, Imaggeo.egu.eu
Dorothea Christiane Erxleben, die erste Frau in Deutschland, die 1754 im Fachbereich Medizin promovierte, stellte sich dem damals vorherrschenden Rollenbild entgegen. Sie ist damit Vorbild und Teil einer ganzen Reihe bemerkenswerter Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung. /bk #internationalerfrauentag #womeninscience #sciencetalents
[#veille] Un effort collectif pour les pages Wikipédia des scientifiques pasteuriennes | BIP
via @lessanspages
#wikipedia #womeninscience #FemmesEnSciences #institutpasteur
no new episode this week due my travel conflicts, but you know what that means?!
Like this #astrophotograpy image of NGC 4603
Listen to the pod here: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/centaurus-cosmic-background/
This is Centaurus A aka NGC 5128 -- it didn't win Jordan's Gold Star, but
Centaurus A is 11 million LY away and contains the closest AGN to Earth
Learn more about the incredible #astronomy of the #constellation #Centaurus here: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/centaurus-cosmic-background/
Musen oder Macherinnen? Zum Frauentag am 8. März laden wir zu einer Führung auf den Campus Dahlem in #Berlin ein. Der Rundgang stellt die Lebenswege von Frauen vor, die den Campus prägten, und zeigt, wie sie die männlich geprägte Welt der #Wissenschaft eroberten.
https://www.mpg.de/24226527/dahlemtour-berlin1.html #WomenInScience
How and when did you choose to do physics?
“I wanted to be an astronaut when I was 5 years old because I was so fascinated with space. I then chose to study physics (and not philosophy, in the end) in my last year of high school, because of the awe I felt when looking at the night sky and thinking about what was ‘out there’ in the universe. This motivated me to challenge myself by studying something I did not know much about.”
What would you recommend to young women wanting to start a physics career?
“Don't be shy, you're awesome!”
Mexico’s President Claudia argues that if cartels are terrorists, then those supplying their weapons—over 74% of which come from the U.S.—should be held accountable for aiding terrorism.
@palestine @blackmastodon @blackvoices
What would you recommend to young women wanting to start a physics career?
“If you're a young woman interested in physics, believe in yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions or get help. Get a strong foundation in math and computers. These are important in the field. Surround yourself with people who support you and remember that your perspective is unique and needed in physics.”
What is your vision for women and girls in science in 20 years?
“In 20 years, I strongly believe that the female community in science will be more represented. Nowadays, society is already exposing young girls to STEM fields more than it did in the past, for instance, through toys and cartoons. Moreover, for the older girls, the increasing visibility of female scientists as role models is inspiring and necessary to imagine themselves in the same positions.”
The SETI Institute's research is #notjustaliens. Meet Dr. Uma Gorti, who joined the SETI Institute's Carl Sagan Center in 2008 as a Principal Investigator and is mainly interested in star and planet formation. Such studies will help us understand the conditions under which planets form, the likelihood of planet formation, and hence, the potential for life in different star-forming environments.
Our #WomenInScience series for the #InternationalDayForWomenAndGirlsInScience comes to an end with Prof Dr Birgit Schneider and Dr Lindsay Sonnenkalb. Thank you to everyone who took part and gave us their answer to the question "Why are you a scientist?"!
#KielMarineScience #TransEvo
What would you recommend to young women wanting to start a physics career?
“My message to all interested young women out there is: Please come forward and participate, it looks scary and is actually challenging. But most experiences that thrill come with challenges and overcoming them is victorious. There is a lot more to explore and is unanswered, join the task force and pave a way to opening new windows, not only in physics but in science overall.”
A new week, a new post in our #WomenInScience series to celebrate the #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience. Today we present Johanna Saalfrank, Prof. Dr. Natascha Oppelt and Prof. Dr.-Tech. habil. Tayebeh Ameri and their research. #PrecisionMedicine #KielMarineScience #KiNSIS
RT by @ERC_Research: This #WomenInScience Day, we’re excited to present the 2024 edition of the #SheFigures!
This report highlights the ongoing gender gaps in R&I and offers solutions for empowering women to lead in research.
Discover more and interact with the data on our new webpage