Just prepping some ANSI art for our contest @defcon
Just prepping some ANSI art for our contest @defcon
Mistodon: originally drawn in #pixelart as part of @grymmjack 's "food gang" as seen a few days ago, this saucy character was redrawn in #ANSIart as interface art for the new IMBIBE01 food-themed electronic magazine. We then took things a step further and also used him in a promo for Chicago's #textmode art-loving @paperthinpizza , purveyors of delicious pies and terrible Figlet logos.
Mason Kirk () and Gale Fields (
) are among the forces defending cyberspace in the world of "Cyber Purge" (https://thegreenherring.itch.io/cyber-purge-zzt). Here they are ready to practice their martial arts and stay in shape in the physical world as well as the digital!
Durdraw 0.29.0 has been released! New features include Durview, (an artpack viewer with 16colo.rs integration), custom character sets, better handling of large files, and more. Check it out at https://github.com/cmang/durdraw
ABC shut down FiveThirtyEight, once an amazing site for data-driven journalism and sports analysis.
I loved incorporating 538's data into old-school #retrocomputing and BBS projects, like my ANSI "Elex Forecast" BBS door. It used data from their 2016 and 2020 Election Forecast visualizations.
You're down at the local bar, and so are a couple of pretty faces who've taken an interest in you. Would you like to join them?
Much-belated birthday art featuring me and my #SecondLife DJ avatar Sonari Ojorado!
It's not easy to fit a pleasant vista into precisely 256 text characters, but I did it for "A Pleasant Vista", my entry into the jam-packed Text Graphics Competition at @lovebyteparty 2025!
Mistigram: the fondly-remembered spirit of a bygone era, @mavenmob’s #ANSIart illustration ‘CRT Angel’ manages to enshrine a species of technological nostalgia. This screen was included in the MIST-30 artpack celebration.
Mistodon: the fondly-remembered spirit of a bygone era, mavenmob@oldbytes.space's #ANSIart illustration 'CRT Angel' manages to enshrine a species of technological nostalgia. This screen was included in the MIST-30 artpack celebration.
I drew @BrodieOnLinux as ASCII art, because his Linux youtube channels are sweet.
FANSI had its own file format -- .FAN -- which I'm hoping to write a parser for.
I learned something new today from Eric March about the .FAN format.
The first ~6K is character data -- every character, along with its FG and BG color, for the 80 columns and 24 lines.
But the final 30K is bitmap data -- a full screen dump of the image as it is displayed in the editor.
Recently I've been working on a fork of libansilove and ansilove-c that adds support for using fonts and color palettes derived from the Atari ST programs ANSIterm and FANSI.
FANSI was a really slick ANSI editor for the ST from Eric March.
It was a godsend to me as a teen when it was released in 1994. Finally I had a way to draw my own ANSI art in the full 16 colors.
If only it had come out a few years earlier!
#FebROOary is here, so here's a kangaroo sunbathing on the beach. Her name is Cynthia Kane (she/her), and she's happy to see you!
I have no idea what I'm doing, but I made a tiny intro to #durdraw video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDFSiKTWtG0
At the end of 2024, @mistfunk published MIST-30.ZIP (https://16colo.rs/pack/mist-30/) for their 30th anniversary! The second of my two contributions to the artpack was this VGA #ANSIArt redraw of a piece of raster art (https://16colo.rs/pack/mist0396/GR_SHADE.GIF, pic 2) by Thanatos, then known as Grim Reaper, originally drawn in 1996 to advertise the now long gone Shades of a Shade #BBS in New Westminster, Canada.
Right at the end of 2024, @mistfunk released MIST-30.ZIP (https://16colo.rs/pack/mist-30/) for their 30th anniversary, and I contributed two pieces! One is this #ANSIArt redraw of a 1997 artpack piece (https://16colo.rs/pack/mist3yrb/SK-PUNK.JPG) by the late Silent Knight (pic 2).