Unserem Monitor Gewalt gegen Frauen zufolge waren 2023 täglich durchschnittlich 728 #Frauen und #Mädchen von körperlicher #Gewalt und 394 von psychischer Gewalt betroffen.
Trotz dieses erschreckenden Ausmaßes der Gewalt fehlt in Politik, Verwaltung und Justiz überwiegend das Verständnis dafür, dass geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt Ausdruck eines gesellschaftlich verankerten Machtverhältnisses ist.
Neues Album von Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) "The Overview" inspiriert vom Overview Effect! Er spricht über die Bedeutung von KI in der Musik & Kunst. Kann KI wirklich kreativ sein oder nur nachahmen? Jetzt im Interview auf n-tv.de! #StevenWilson#TheOverview#KI#Musik#Interview
So, in our last post, we talked about Joplin, this open-source note-taking program created by the talented Laurent Cozic.
One of us use Joplin for many years, first at work and later in personal computer too. Because we like it, we decided to tell about it today.
We found a really interesting interview with him about the product philosophy behind Joplin, which we'd love to share with you.
In this interview, Laurent talks about why he chose to make Joplin open source, the focus on privacy and security, and what the future might hold for Joplin.
He also talks about how he uses Joplin for work and for personal use, and he has some recommendations for people who are just starting out with it.
A last thing... Laurent works a lot on this project, and... for free!
So if you'd like to send a donation to the project, you can do so here: https://joplinapp.org/donate (they accept Bank Transfer, PayPal, Patreon, Liberaply and Github Sponsor).
...or you can consider rating the app on Google Play or App Store.