Clustering Explorer App is an interactive web application that demonstrates K-means clustering algorithm through real-time visualization. It provides an intuitive way to understand how data points are grouped into clusters based on their similarities.
I've found an interesting project: Apache OpenDAL The premise is that it is a single API and wrapper for all data access (filesystems, S3, WebDAV, FUSE, Key/Value stores like Redis, etc). With language bindings for #java, #python, #nodejs, #rust
Since I got unexpected #Python advice here yesterday, I'll actively seek some:
Does anyone know of a good library that handles earliest/latest dates (AKA not-before/after)?
I'm automating matching of people across vital records, and am trying to figure out how to record information like "This person married in 1895, which means their birthdate is between 1800 and 1880, so don't match them with someone born outside that range"
Hoping to avoid writing a custom class for this, but we'll see
Working on a #python personal project to convert an image into a 3D height map that can be 3D printed. Was relatively easy to plug together a few Python packages (mainly transformers, pillow, and trimesh) to do this. Tested on our jack russell terrier Oni. Repo is here: if anyone is interested.
Dive into the exciting world of data-centric AI with MIT's 2023 course.
Discover how AI can be used to analyze, interpret, and make predictions based on vast amounts of data.
Led by experts in the field, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of data-centric AI, and covers a range of topics, from machine learning and deep learning to data visualization and ethics.
I just published the source code for my very naive #Python implementation for generating a node network based on MITRE Intrusion Sets and Techniques. It will output linked #Markdown files linking intrusion sets to their used techniques.
Perhaps someone finds it useful or interesting to experiment with.
I hinted at this in a thread started by @Viss where he asked for input on a few very likely malicious domains. Me @Viss@cR0w@neurovagrant and others did some OSINT fun work with a couple of the original domains.
Now I posted a picture of a node network rendered in Obsidian and I hinted that perhaps Obsidian could be used as a poor mans version of performing threat intelligence work.