Recently, I asked which Austen/Bronte character you would interview, and I still maintain that it would be Wentworth for me.
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#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia
Chris Hemsworth as Thor as Mr Darcy? Yes, please!
#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia
Book Promotion: Ever-changing year-long promotion for the very best in SF/F with free stories to download. Even if you looked once - look again because the books will be changing. #amreading #knaves #ladies #heroes #dragons #legendary #sorcery #readers #military #time #knights #fae #wizards #aliens #reader #reading #rogue #planets #futurism #elves #fedibookfair #bookstodon #witches #dwarfs #dystopia #magic #dwarves #space #spaceship #monsters #goodbooks #writing (75d7)
Book Promotion: Check out these great books where nerds and geeks solve their problems with brains not brawn. #vigilante #classic #monsters #heroes #elves #dwarves #witches #ladies #wizards #adventure #steampunk #sleuth #reading #action #goodbooks #contemporary #suspense #amateur #fae #readers #dwarfs #detective #writing #private #future #fedibookfair #knaves #dragons #magic #bookstodon #legendary #sorcery #knights #amreading #reader #murder #rogue #whodunnit #guns…
Book Promotion: How do you like your fantasy? Well we've got two kinds: Epic and Portal. Check them out to discover your next favourite author. #magic #goodbooks #rogue #dragons #elves #witches #wizards #dwarfs #knaves #monsters #fae #readers #time #ladies #fedibookfair #dystopia #writing #spaceship #dwarves #amreading #knights #aliens #military #bookstodon #reading #futurism #sorcery #reader #planets #space #legendary #heroes (a020)
This week's book review is for This Princess Kills Monsters by Ry Herman, which comes out June 17. I enjoyed it! Also there's a bit of a life update, and some information about the zine project that's launching on the 17th/18th in Aus. As usual, pretty boring video, but I'm glad that I'm keeping up with the project because I'm having fun with it. And Joe is having fun adding in the edits.
This is a fresh analysis of what Austen novels are appropriate for what circumstance you find yourself in. Honestly? The article is not wrong. (It also includes Austen's unfinished works in the list!)
#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
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Book Promotion: Only available for a short time, a great selection of mystery and suspense stories free for you to download. #action #sleuth #steampunk #amreading #suspense #readers #detective #bookstodon #guns #contemporary #classic #adventure #whodunnit #murder #amateur #fedibookfair #future #writing #private #vigilante #reading #reader #goodbooks #mystery (6a88)
Well, it looks like I won't be buying the rest of that series.
The only place the ebook is available is Amazon. And since they don't sell ebooks, just a "license" to read them...
Book Promotion: Check out these great books where nerds and geeks solve their problems with brains not brawn. #fedibookfair #dwarfs #sorcery #witches #sleuth #action #steampunk #whodunnit #fae #knights #goodbooks #future #bookstodon #guns #reading #writing #mystery #dwarves #dragons #heroes #monsters #magic #suspense #vigilante #detective #amateur #private #murder #reader #legendary #classic #elves #wizards #amreading #contemporary #adventure #readers #rogue #ladies…
"Look to Windward" by Iain M. Banks
My seventh Culture series novel. They can all be read out of order, but I don't recommend reading this one before "Consider Phlebas", and I don't recommend reading that one before any other one. If you're considering getting into this fantastic sci-fi world, I'd suggest starting at "Player of Games".
This space opera focuses on the aftermath of war: the trauma, the guilt, the blame, the desire for revenge, the hopefully even bigger desire for peace that will finally last for everyone. Like every Culture novel, it's dense, but worth the focused read. For me it's a perfect mix between a contemplative slow pace and sitting on the edge of your seat until you're pushed off by a twist you didn't see coming.
If you've read any other Culture books, you've experienced the high highs of the Culture: a utopic intergalactic society in which people can live without any scarcity, do as they please, travel anywhere, become who they want to be and live as long as they wish to. This text shows the downsides to the Culture's craving for positive change through forced involvement with other species. I want to defend the Culture at every turn, but like its citizens, this book made me feel embarrassed to do so.
There's intrigue, action, multiple points of view, ethical questions that keep you up at night, great characters, endless lore... If you have any interest in sci-fi, give this series a go. I feel like it's still a bit niche, a bit difficult to get into, its fans unfortunately a bit too dudebro male (blegh), but if you love it you will love it deeply.
Off the top of my head, not all first impressions are correct; patience can be worth it, and there is always hope, to name a few ideas. #AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #EmilyBronte #CharlotteBronte #AnneBronte #Victorian @romancelandia #JaneAusten
Book Promotion: Discover your next favourite author of murder, mystery and suspense with this great selection of free-to-download books. #mystery #goodbooks #adventure #bookstodon #sleuth #detective #steampunk #amreading #contemporary #suspense #guns #fedibookfair #reading #readers #private #whodunnit #amateur #classic #murder #writing #action #future #vigilante #reader (8ccc)
Just finished If On a Winter's Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino. A confounding book; I'm not really sure what I just read, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. #AmReading #bookstodon
This is a video essay by Michael Brabant from PBS. If you’re not a fan of the video or can’t watch the video, a transcript has been provided.
#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia
Thank you Ms. @ursulav for the joy that is Saint of Steel!
I haven't laughed out loud, or read so many passages to my SO, in quite a while!
I've gone and picked up books 2-4 from, and if I can't figure out how to jailbreak book 1 from Amazon I'll pick that one up again too!