Big Brain Computer Parts
- "Build Day Monday Funday, Yet Another Machine Intelligence System [YAMIS]"
- Season 2, Episode 4: Mostly Modern Systems and Hardware Engineering
Despite some goon sending this kinda pricey Ice Lake Xeon through international post, wrapped up in two thin layers of non/anti-static bubble wrap shoved into a Tyvek shipping bag (not a box!), it arrived yesterday and seems to be in decent shape after a trip from Australia to the middle of America.
So, what one does with a NOS (new old stock) bit of hardware which needs to be perfect in order to function, we inspect with macro photos and various image filtering methods to identify any potential flaws.
CPU: Intel Xeon 8370C
Spec: 32 cores, 64 threads, 2.8GHz base clock
Dimensions: my favorite general purpose lip gloss (sorta) tube for scale