How do you make a project bag that's *actually* useful?

My MIL is an avid knitter (did you see those monstera mittens i posted? She made me those for Christmas

) and her birthday is this weekend. I know she likes to knit in the car, so I wanted to make a project bag that is light, but has a couple of clever features. There's plenty of room for a handful balls of yarn, plus a pocket for needles, pencils, notes etc. I thought about how annoying it is when the yarn balls roll around in the car, or having to do colourwork and the threads get all tangled. The solution is a strip of webbing with channels for the different threads – but with snaps, so she doesn't have to cut the yarn to get them out. Added a bigger snap for closure and webbing straps for carrying. Hope she likes it!
Everything in this project is made with what I already had: the outer fabric is a thrifted Flåklypa bed sheet, the lining is a thrifted curtain, the snaps are leftovers and the webbing was tied around some kitchen towels I bought recently.
#sewing #knitting #handmade #projectbag #upcycle #reusereducerecycle #knittingbag #birthdaypresent