I’m putting it out there: I really wish I knew some coding people who are not cis male that I could look up to, be inspired by. I am yet again surround by cis males in tech on my course - and they are truly brilliant and inspiring - but I feel like I don’t belong and shouldn’t be here.
The people I am seeking to follow and be inspired by are those who “code first” (not sure how to describe that, hence the quotes) and didn’t adopt more of a PR or front-facing role, mostly leaving coding behind as the vast majority of females I know in tech eventually did. (And a reason why I felt I also didn’t belong in tech or coding and should follow them, after I was told all I do as a web dev who directly helped my employer’s entire business scale up is “just pretty things up”).
So: who are some non cis males whose career is centred on coding excellence who I could follow online somehow? Really not sure of the right words to describe this, so please rephrase “coding excellence” if you need - I mean people who mostly just want to code, be great at code, inspire others to be great too, they could teach or not, lecture or not, just hang out online, whatever. Their actual job could be in almost ANY industry, not just software dev or similar.