Today I learnt out something interesting about @musicbrainz and Discogs in that they both have a policy of not removing release data that is factually correct. #opendata
Today I learnt out something interesting about @musicbrainz and Discogs in that they both have a policy of not removing release data that is factually correct. #opendata
5 ans après le début du 1e confinement mis en place pour lutter contre la propagation de la #Covid 19, l’équipe de vous propose de revenir sur l’ouverture des données liées à l’épidémie et le rôle de l’ #opendata dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire :
High-Value-Datasets (HVD) des Firmenbuchs ab sofort verfügbar!
Kostenlose API des BMJ mit: Unternehmensinformationen
Unternehmensunterlagen & Rechnungsabschlüssen
Schlüsselattributen auf Einzelunternehmensebene
Jetzt entdecken: #OpenData #PSI #IWG #EU
With the implementation of #OpenData at the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology @meteoschweiz, there are new roles to fill.
We call one #OGD or “Open Data” Steward.
Together with Joël Fisler, I have the honour of taking on this role prior to the launch of our new service.
The launch date and everything else will be officially communicated. Until then, there is still a lot to do - with anticipation .
@opendatabund Soso, CSV ist also ein modernes Dateiformat … Tatsächlich ist es das Format mit den größten technischen Schwächen und den größten technischen Hürden für Anwender, und man fragt sich, warum nicht stattdessen häufiger auch auf ODS aus der #OpenDocument-Familie gesetzt wird. Interessant wär in diesem Zusammenhang mal zu ermitteln, wieviele #OpenData-Anbieter ihre CSV- bzw. JSON-Formate sauber spezifizieren und dokumentieren.
In einer neuen #Studie wurden die #OpenData Angebote der 20 größten
#Städte Deutschlands verglichen.
Dabei gab es große Unterschiede in der Verfügbarkeit, Qualität und Varianz der bereitgestellten
Mehr Infos findet Ihr hier:
Unsere neue #CCOD Interviewreihe zur Zukunft von #OpenData
ist gestartet.
Für das 1. Interview haben wir mit Herrn Professor Dr. Markus Schulten von der #Hochschule des Bundes in #Brühl gesprochen.
Ihr findet das #Interview hier:
FOSSGIS 2025: Helfende gesucht! / Helpers wanted! #fossgis #fossgis2025 #gistribe #gischat #OSGeo #spatial #geospatial #opensource #opendata #osm #openstreetmap #gis #geo #geoObserver pls RT
I have two book recommendations for #FOSS & #Opendata enthusiasts especially to widen your perspective of it beyond technical aspects.
1. Think Like A Commoner by David Bollier
2. Knowledge as Commons by Prabir Purkayasta
As commoners we should think beyond the logic of Capitalism else we will / we have only become unpaid workers to all the capitalist enterprises big or small who appropriate the value from commons which we all collectively create.
Good take by @molly0xfff on the future of open focusing on consent rather than copyright. Litigation has always been a poor call when trying to defend anything open, however measures to safeguard anything open from being sucked dry are needed.
Just added the Ancient Greek inscriptions to my replica of the #AntikytheraMechanism. Grab your own virtual copy at
What are your favorite show cases and uses of #OpenStreetMap or #UMAP to impress my colleges @OpenCircleAG and demonstrate what can be achieved by #opendata and #opensource?
I'm preparing a little presentation which I will happily share.
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
Open Context has been getting overwhelmed by bots. Again. Huge range of IP addresses, many, many user-agent strings that look like human controlled browsers, but all accessing random pages of content.
If I'm blocking your IP address and you want #opendata in #archaeology I apologize.
If anyone knows mitigation strategies, please let me know. It's one more form of bullshit that makes the political and cultural calamities feel even more overwhelming.
Update. "The Data Hoarders Resisting Trump’s Purge. Can #librarians and guerrilla archivists save the country’s files from #DOGE.
"Lynda Kellam, a social scientist and data librarian,…who’s served in leadership positions at two Ivy League universities, described the vulnerable data as “irreplaceable.”…Kellam told me that she’d participated in a small data-preservation effort during Trump’s first term, but had never seen anything like the frenzy that ignited in late January, when the #CDC began removing information from its website. Kellam was encouraged, but worried about a lack of coördination. What if the backups languished on private hard drives? What if archivists duplicated one another’s work? She created a Google Doc to centralize information about preëxisting initiatives—an archive of archives, with detailed instructions on how to contribute to each…Kellam met with the heads of other data-librarian organizations, and together they founded the #DataRescueProject."
Update. "#APDU [Association of Public Data Users] Statement on #Education Research and #Data"
"On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, over 1,000 staff from the Department of Education [#DOE] were laid off. This includes almost all staff from the Institute of Education Sciences (#IES), which housed the National Center for Education Statistics (#NCES)…NCES is mandated by law to report on the condition of education annually, collect and disseminate key education data, and support state and local education agencies…The [layoffs] make it unclear how NCES will meet its legal obligations under the Education Sciences Reform Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, the Information Quality Act, and other federal laws…Congress and policymakers must act to ensure NCES has the resources to meet its statutory obligations. Stakeholders—including researchers, educators, and state leaders—must demand transparency on how education data will be maintained."
Do I know anyone able to consult on IP/licensing terms for open cultural data? Preferably someone familiar with #CreativeCommons and #CARE principles for Indigenous data governance.
Boosts welcome!
I just updated my #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics for February 2025 using PIOMAS data:
This month was the 2nd lowest February volume on record.
Marseille: Balade et cartopartie - Parcours de fraîcheur, Le samedi 15 mars 2025 de 09h30 à 16h30. #cartopartie #openstreetmap #osm #urbanisme #écologie #data #opendata #patrimoine #balade #marche #apitux #libreEnFete2025