"If the player isn't tricked into believing that the world is real, then there's no point in making the game.
If you can captivate the player without having to trick them, then the game is worthwhile."
- Hideo Kojima, 1998
"If the player isn't tricked into believing that the world is real, then there's no point in making the game.
If you can captivate the player without having to trick them, then the game is worthwhile."
- Hideo Kojima, 1998
.: Valoration of the game :.
«Metal Gear: Ghost Babel» Finished.
My score is a 8.5
It was incredible that this game has a lot of content and mechanics/gameplay in a GameBoy Color. I'm surprised.
I'm a lucky guy and I have this game in physic. I saw on ebay there are sellers dealing this game up to 80€.
I think this game nowadays is a rare game to locate in a store games.
Well, I enjoyed a lot playing it.
There is still to play VR Training.
Facing the final part of «Metal Gear: Ghost Babel» for GameBoy Color.
RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater heading to Switch 2
Slithering our way?
I was in the mood to set up my MSX and the intro to Metal Gear 2 is just so stylish and cinematic (and way longer than this clip!) it's wild to think this is 8 bit!
@djlink I never had a #PlayStation only much later a #PS2
#MetalGear solid is one of the games I connect with PlayStation... And GTA2 even if I mostly played it on PC.
And now, back to some good old protogen / metal gear drawing. Have some art of protogen Raiden :D
I need a little break from learning how to draw in the Final Fantasy Tactics art style
Da war mal wieder so ein komischer Typ hier und hat mir was in die Hand gedrückt
Metal Gear Collection gibt es mit Prime für 30€
METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE – now on GOG! #shorts #gaming #metalgear #konami #hideokojima
Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater on saanut uuden trailerin, joka tarjoaa tähän asti parhaimman silmäyksen osin uusiksi rakennettuun MGS3:een.
Currently having a family picnic, and while the son’s occupied with a toy, I’m playing #MetalGear on @delta for a bit.
We’re back in 1998 all over again, and I’m here for it.
#iPhone #Emulator #Apple
Guys, I'm loving this collection of WarpZone Biografias
Which other character(s) deserve a book
#Mario #Luigi #MasterChief #LaraCroft #MegaMan #SolidSnake #AlexKidd #StarFox #Link #Sonic #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gaming #Gamer #Book #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Zelda #TLOZ #Bayonetta #Alundra #NinjaGaiden #Shinobi #ShadowOfTheColossues #MetalGear #TombRaider #FZero #KidIcarus #StarTropics #ParasiteEve #DinoCrisis #Tenchu #DukeNukem #EarthwormJim #Bomberman #CaptainCommando #Sparkster
An exploration of #VideoGame performances, this book merges #MediaTheory with performativity, revealing insights from Western art to digital storytelling.
Perfect for researchers intrigued by #Gaming, #Art, and nonlinear #Narrative.
#Ludology #Performance #GameStudies #Portal #DarkSouls #Destiny #Doom #FinalFantasy #GodHand #HalfLife #LifeIsStrange #MetalGear #Minecraft #Planescape #StarCraft #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #VideoGames #Gamer #Literature
Late-nite MSX-posting alert. MS2/2+, to be precise, with the schematics-themed intro to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Not to be confused with Snake's Revenge on NES!
Such a wonderful game and the direct basis for so much of what you'd go on to see in Metal Gear Solid. Cracking soundtrack, too.
A few months ago, someone suggested I draw one of the #MetalGear mechs as #ANSIArt, so I drew the one from the very first game within 25 rows. Note that I took a number of artistic liberties in doing so.
Me at the end of a Kojima game
#gaming #deathstranding #metalgear #kojima