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Happy birthday to botanist & photography trailblazer Anna Atkins (1799-1871), née Children!

Atkins’ mother died when she was still an infant, but she was close with her naturalist father & received a much more scientific education than was common for women in her time. Her 250 detailed engravings of shells were used to illustrate her father’s translation of Lamarck’s ‘Genera of Shells’; 🧵1/n

Happy birthday to Caroline Herschel (1750 – 1848) a trail blazing woman in #astronomy. Hers was a real life Cinderella story, where rather than marrying a prince, she made a life and career for herself. Marriage her expected role but she was deemed unmarriageable, since a childhood bout of typhus stunted her growth. Her mother thought she should train to be a servant, & purposely stood in the way of her learning French, or music,🧵

Mercury, final prompt for #printerSolstice2425, made me think of #alchemy. It is an element the alchemists favoured & felt was fundamental in their efforts to transmute base into precious metals, both in western & Chinese alchemy (from whence western alchemy emerged).

This is my #linocut portrait of an #alchemist known as Master Geng (before ~975, 耿先生; Gěng Xiānshēng, sometimes Kêng Hsien-shêng). 🧵1/n

Fakt ist: Es gibt zu wenige weibliche Fachkräfte im IT-Sektor. Fakt ist auch: Viele Frauen verlassen ihn nach einiger Zeit wieder.

Im Vorhaben #Tech2stay stellen wir uns der Frage: Wie gestalten Unternehmen die Bedingungen so, dass Frauen in der IT bleiben und ihr volles Innovationspotenzial entfalten?

#opencall Auf der #INFORMATIK25 kommen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zusammen: Bis 7.4. können Beiträge für den Workshop eingereicht werden 👉 informatik2025.gi.de/programmu

🤔 What's next for climate modeling? 5️⃣internationally recognized #femaleScientists, including #MPI_director Sarah Kang, argue: Instead of picking just 1 path, #climateresearch should embrace #diversity&integrate multiple approaches–e.g., artificial intelligence #AI 🧠, km-scale modeling, & parameter tuning. They show how the past provides us with ample evidence that a diverse strategy is most promising. 🙌 ➡️ mpimet.mpg.de/en/communication
CC BY 4.0 Bordoni et al. 2025 doi.org/10.1038/s41612-025-009

Seeing dark matter in the Andromeda galaxy

By Vera Rubin, from the archives, via @physicstoday

This is a story of why and how Kent Ford and I studied the orbital velocities of stars in the Andromeda galaxy 40 years ago. Our study was influential in the later conclusion that most of the matter in the universe is dark.


it's funny because it's not just a cartoon making a point, but very literally the majority of every interview I've had in tech sectors. There have been some stand-outs, very few and very far between.

nearly as often I've had their type tell me that my experience surely couldn't be this way, simply because they've never considered life from another's shoes. well, surely they must be right, right?

after some time one gets used to the layers of self-censorship, of maintaining a type of professionalism and expressive-pefection and poise so consistently that it becomes not second nature but a long-forgotten absorbed rule of existing once inside the corporate doors.

since the diagnosis I've let down a lot of those walls, those perfections, just to see how life would be. it did not make life easier, that can be said politely.

..."der Verbesserung gar sehr bedürftig" ist weltweit leider noch sehr vieles. Seien es Bildungschancen, Berufschancen, Lohngefälle, politische Teilhabe, Eigentumsrechte, Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung, Schutz der sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechte, Schutz vor häuslicher und sexualisierter Gewalt, Menschenhandel, Zwangsheirat, Ehrenmorde, Genitalverstümmelungen, diskriminierende Rechtsprechung, soziale Normen, Zugang zu Finanzdienstleistungen, Vertretung in Medien, Zugang zu Technologie, Rechte und Schutz von Transfrauen und weitere.

Gerade in einer Zeit, in welcher weltweit Gruppierungen mit einem patriachalen Frauenbild wieder auf dem Vormarsch sind und reaktionär antifeministische Politiker und Parteien auch in Deutschland an Zulauf gewinnen.

Bezüglich des Zitates könnte die anthroposophische Bewegung und die Träger ihrer Einrichtungen sich anlässlich des #weltfrauentag fragen, woran es liegen könnte, dass der Initiator der Anthroposophie, welcher in teilweise engem Austausch zu bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten der ersten Frauenbewegung wie Rosa Meyreder, Gabriele Reuter, Bertha von Suttner und Hedwig Dohm stand, schon Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts progressivere Ansichten vertrat, als der Durchschnitt der anthroposophische Bewegung in den Jahrzehnten hiernach.
Auch hier, in den heutigen gelebten anthroposophischen Zusammenhängen und Einrichtungen, sind diesbezüglich Verbesserungen noch "gar sehr bedürftig" und die Anthroposophie bezüglich ihrer wahrnehmenbaren feministischen Position und Lautstärke nicht da, wo sie ausgehend von ihrem Begründer seien könnte.

#weltfrauentag #internationalwomensday #anthroposophie #rudolfsteiner #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024 #Gleichberechtigung #Frauenrechte #EmpowerWomen #EqualityForAll #EachForEqual #BreakTheBias #EndGenderGap #TransWomenAreWomen #ProtectTransWomen #TransRightsAreHumanRights #GirlsJustWannaHaveFundamentalRights #StopViolenceAgainstWomen #EndFemicide #NoMeansNo #WomenInSTEM #WomenInPolitics #RepresentationMatters
egusphere.copernicus.orgUtilizing Probability Estimates from Machine Learning and Pollen to Understand the Depositional Influences on Branched GDGT in Wetlands, Peatlands, and LakesAbstract. Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) serve as critical molecular biomarkers for the quantitative reconstruction of past environments, ambient temperature and pH across various archives. Despite their success, numerous issues persist that limit their application. The distribution of brGDGTs varies significantly based on provenance, resulting in biases in environmental reconstructions that rely on fractional abundances and derived indices, such as the MBT’5ME. This issue is especially significant in shallow lakes, wetlands, and peatlands within semi-arid and arid regions, where ecosystems are sensitive to diverse environmental and climatic factors. Recent advancements, such as machine learning techniques, have been developed to identify changes in sources; however, these techniques are insufficient for detecting mixed source environments. The probability estimates derived from five machine learning algorithms are employed here to detect provenance changes in brGDGT downcore records and to identify periods of mixed provenance. A new global modern database (n=2301) was compiled to train, validate, test, and apply these algorithms to two sedimentary records. Our findings are corroborated by pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs obtained from the identical records. These microfossil proxies are utilized to discuss changes in provenance, hydrology, and ecology that influence the distribution of brGDGTs. Probability estimates derived from Random Forest with a sigmoid calibration are most effective in detecting changes in brGDGT distribution. Minor changes in the relative contributions of brGDGTs provenance can significantly influence the distribution of brGDGTs, especially regarding the MBT'5ME index. This study introduces a novel brGDGT wetland index aimed at monitoring potential biases arising from wetland development.

Looking for some #astronomy or #mythology or #zoology or #comedy / #chaos content created by women on #InternationalWomensDay??

Check out our pod here or wherever you listen to podcasts 🤗: starrytimepodcast.com/episodes

If you're looking for:
🔭 astronomy --> Cosmic Background
📜 myths --> Myths & Retcons(tellations)
🐮 🦢 🐐 🐻 🐈 animal fun facts --> Creature Corner
🙃 Chaos/comedy/ "Pop Culture" --> Pop Culture Superstar

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